Partnering with Samuel’s Mantle

Is your heart’s cry – the same as mine… to see people raised up that can hear the Lord’s voice, walk in his presence, and give it a way?  

Murray Dueck Samuel’s Mantle Director

Through classes, conferences, retreats, internet training, and small groups meeting across the globe, we are seeing more and more people awaken to the voice of God.  With your support, this can multiply.

Years ago, I was praying about what to do next after I had finished my last assignment when God very clearly spoke into my spirit…:

“There is coming a new wind of my Spirit into the Fraser Valley and the language of this wind will be signs and wonders and dreams and vision (as stated by Acts 2). If my people receive my language in this coming season then they will be able to hear what I am telling them to do.  However, if they do not know how I speak, and value how I speak, this wind can blow right by them and they will not even know I am moving.” 

The Lord then gave me a picture of a sailboat with its sail up surging forward in the sea as the wind drove it onward, and then a picture of a sailboat with its sail down not moving at all…even though the wind was blowing just as hard.  The Lord then spoke again, “Build me a place where I can teach my people in this Valley to hear my voice and understand my ways. Prepare my people to understand my voice and my ways so that they can ride the wind of my Spirit.” 

Thus Samuel’s Mantle was born in 2000.

Why is this Ministry Called ‘Samuel’s Mantle’?

This is quite a common question that it would be good to take a moment and answer.

Samuel has always been my hero of faith so it was quite easy to look to him for inspiration for a ministry.  However there are particular things about Samuel and his ministry in the Old Testament that I felt led by God to choose this name:

  1. Samuel was the prophet who started the prophetic schools training the up-and-coming future prophets.  Samuel took it upon himself to not just minister but to multiply himself, just as Jesus did in the New Testament with raising up disciples.  As a part of Samuel’s call was to train and disciple people in how to hear the Lord’s voice and understand his ways so it is with Samuel’s Mantle today.  One of the roles of the prophet in Eph five is to equip the body for works of service.  So with Samuel as our inspiration, Samuel’s Mantle has begun to equip God’s people to be able to hear, be intimate, and respond to his voice.
  2. Samuel did not want the kingdom, but he wanted to be transformational and bring the kingdom in.  Samuel was the last of the judges and in that regard had tremendous respect and authority with the people.  But even though he had such high standing with the people he didn’t want to be king.  What Samuel wanted was to establish God’s will on the earth, and bring in the kingdom in Israel.
  3. Samuel took nothing for himself.  His goal was not to exalt his ministry or his needs but to see the kingdom of David established properly.  I feel this is the same for Samuel’s Mantle in regards to establishing the kingdom of heaven today.

Would you like to partner with us in establishing God’s kingdom of heaven today?

>> Here are 4 ways you can partner with Samuel’s Mantle…

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